奥古斯塔 Technical College

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Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual 进步, unwelcome requests for sexual favors, and other unwelcome, 口头, 写, electronic or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. 提交 such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s education;
  2. 提交, 或者拒绝, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for education decisions affecting such individual; or,
  3. 这种行为的目的或效果是不合理地干扰个人的学习成绩或制造恐吓, 充满敌意的 or offensive environment.


  1. Physical touching;
  2. Sexual comments of a provocative or suggestive nature;
  3. Suggestive looks or gestures;
  4. 影射:针对他人的笑话、印刷品或含沙射影;
  5. Making acceptance of unwelcome sexual conduct, 进步, or requests for sexual favors of any nature a condition for education, education decisions, or continued enrollment (pressure for sexual favors).

This is a representative list of harassing conduct of behavior and is 不打算 to be exhaustive.

In the instructor-student context, 性骚扰的基本要素是不适当的个人关注, 包括教师或教职员工与学生的恋爱和性关系,这些教职员工有权决定学生的成绩或以其他方式影响学生的学业进步. Since the instructor-student relationship is one of professional and client, 上述不当行为在大学里是不可接受的,因为这是一种不专业的行为,严重破坏了学术环境中必不可少的信任氛围.

教师与学生的关系在任何时候都应该是专业的,任何教师或工作人员的行为都会造成性威胁, 充满敌意的, or offensive environment is inappropriate and unacceptable.

师生关系在任何时候都应该尊重对方的权利, and any conduct by staff which creates a sexually 令人生畏的, 敌意或冒犯性的环境违反了学院的性骚扰规定.

The student-student relationship, the student-instructor relationship, 师生关系在任何时候都应该尊重彼此的权利, and any conduct by a student which creates a sexually 令人生畏的, 敌意或冒犯性的环境违反了学院的性骚扰规定. For this purpose, staff not only includes college staff, 也包括与大学临床项目或课程有关的诊所和机构的所有雇员.



买世界杯app推荐高度重视所有学生的安全, employees and visitors. Any type of sexual misconduct is strictly forbidden. Criminal charges may be applied to sexual offenses.

  1. Educational Programs

Presentations by Campus Safety and Security personnel, as requested.

  1. 制裁

Upon determination that a student or employee has committed rape, acquaintance rape, or another sexual offense, the following sanctions are available:

  • Criminal Charges
  • 缓刑
  • Suspension from college and/or 就业
  • Expulsion from college
  • Termination of 就业
  • Ban from college property
  1. Procedures for Victims

In the event you are the victim of sexual assault, it is important to remember details, follow procedures and notify the proper college officials. 强奸或性侵犯受害者能做的最重要的一件事就是告诉别人——警察, 我的一个朋友, a medical professional, 等. Rape or sexual assault, whether by a stranger or someone you know, is a violation of your body, your trust and your right to choose. The following are recommended procedures to follow:

  • Do not shower, wash, or change your clothes
  • Preserve any evidence such as clothing, 使用避孕套, 毛巾, tissue or other items which may be useful for investigation purposes.
  • 如果事件发生在校园内,请联系行政服务副校长. If the incident occurs off campus, contact 911.
  • 受害者也可以联系其他学院官员,如行政服务副校长,以获得协助,通知适当的执法人员和医务人员.
  • Seek medical attention immediately. Campus Safety and Security can assist in seeking medical attention. 也, local emergency medical 服务 can be contacted by dialing 911.
  • Seek counseling to assist with mental and emotional trauma. 通过各种机构提供的咨询服务信息可以通过拨打(706)771-4067的卡丽莎·戴维斯·赖特获得.
  1. Campus Disciplinary Procedures

在发生包括性侵犯在内的任何刑事事件时,学生的纪律处分程序概述在学院手册的学生行为准则部分. In cases involving sex offenses, 在校园纪律程序中,原告和被告都有权有同样的机会让其他人在场. 指控性侵犯的任何校园纪律程序的结果都应告知原告和被告.

有关已登记的性犯罪者的信息可通过联系奥古斯塔-里士满县治安部门刑事调查处(地址:401 Walton Way)获得, 奥古斯塔, 格鲁吉亚30901年, or by telephone at (706) 821-1000. 也, 乔治亚州调查局有一个可搜索的性犯罪者登记网站,网址是www.ganet.org/gbi/sorsch.cgi.


买世界杯app推荐向所有学生确认他们在一个没有种族歧视或骚扰的教育环境中学习和学习的权利, color, 信条, national or ethnic origin, 性别, 宗教, 残疾, 年龄, political affiliation or belief, 资深地位, genetic information, 或公民身份(法律允许或要求的特殊情况除外)(见不歧视声明).

Harassment is sometimes difficult to talk about to other people. It is uncomfortable and seems ambiguous; it is also something that the college is committed to preventing and resolving if it does occur. Do not be afraid to ask for help. 男人和女人, who believe they are victims of harassment, as well as those who observe harassment, should report such incidents at the earliest possible time.

大学官员不会容忍任何形式的骚扰,无论是员工还是其他学生. 任何单独或与他人一起骚扰大学社区其他成员的学生都将受到纪律处分,包括解雇/开除. 被学院员工或其他学生侵害的学生可以联系负责学生事务的副校长或非歧视声明中确定的个人.

Harassment includes:

  • 任何侮辱, 影射, or other 口头 or physical conduct reflecting an individual's race, color, 国家的起源, 性别/性, 宗教, 年龄, genetic information, or 残疾 which has the purpose or effect of creating a 充满敌意的, 令人生畏的, or offensive educational environment; has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's school performance or participation; or otherwise adversely affects an individual's educational opportunities.
  • The denial of or the provision of aid, 好处, 成绩, 奖励, 就业, faculty assistance, 服务, or treatment on the basis of sexual 进步 or requests for sexual favors.
  • Sexual 进步, requests for sexual favors, and other 口头 or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the perpetrator explicitly or implicitly makes the submission to such conduct a term or condition of an individual's educational career; when the perpetrator uses submission to 或者拒绝 such conduct as a basis for educational decisions affecting the individual; or when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's educational performance or creating an 令人生畏的, 充满敌意的, or offensive educational environment.



